Aaj Ka rashifal- Today’s Horoscope- 26.06.2020- Friday

Aaj Ka rashifal- Today’s Horoscope- 26.06.2020- Friday

Aaj Ka rashifal- Today’s Horoscope- 14.06.2020- Sunday


Aries (Mesh)


Rashi Letters:-  | A, L, E


Rashi Lord:- मंगल | Mars


Adorable God:- Hanuman ji


Nakshatra Charana Letters:-Chu, Che,Cho, Laa,Li,Loo, Le,Lo,A/ चुचेचोलालीलूलेलो


Favorable Direction:- पूर्व | East


Favorable Number:- 1,8


Rashi Metal:- तांबासोना | Copper, Gold


Rashi Element:-अग्नि | Fire


Rashi Stone:- मूंगा | Red Coral


Favorable Weekdays:-  मंगलवारबृहस्पतिवार तथा रविवार
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday


Rashi temperament:- चर | Movable


Rashi Natureपित्त | Bile


Favorable Color:- लाल | Red


Aries Horoscope

You will feel physical and mental fatigue throughout the day, says Ganesha. Less success than hard work will create a sense of frustration. Will be a little concerned about power.Beacuse of work, You will not be able to pay . Avoid any  trip or tour. You may have complaint about the digestive system. Keep in mind that your  behaviour does not harm anyone

Aaj Ka Panchang- Today’s Auspicious Time- 26.06.2020- Friday


Rashi Lord
शुक्र | Venus


Rashi Letters
 | Ba, Va, U


Nakshatra Charana Letters
Ee, U, E, O, Vaa, Vee, Vu, Ve, Vo


Adorable God
श्री दुर्गा माता Shri Durga Mata

Favourable Color
सफेद | White


Favourable Number
2, 7


Favourable Direction
दक्षिणपश्चिम | South, West


Rashi Metal
लोहासीसा | Iron, Lead


Rashi Stone
हीरा | Diamond


Rashi Favourable Stone
Diamond, Emerald and Blue Sapphire


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
शुक्रवारबुधवार तथा शनिवार
Friday, Wednesday and Saturday


Rashi Temperament
स्थिर | Stable


Taurus Horoscope

With Ganesha's blessings, you will complete every task today with strong confidence and morale and will also succeed in yur work. You will get any benefit from the Paternal side. Students will perform well in studies. Money will be spent or capital behind the study of children or other matters. Artists and sports persons have a great time to show their talents. Will benefit from the government side.


Rashi Lord
बुध | Mercury


Rashi Letters
 | Ka, Chha, Gha


Nakshatra Charana Letters
Kaa, Kee, Ku, Gha, Ing, Chha, Ke, Ko, Haa


Adorable God
श्री गणेश जी
Shri Ganesha Ji


Favourable Color
पीला | Yellow


Rashi Element
वायु | Air



Favourable Number
3, 6


Rashi Nature
सम | Even


Favourable Direction
पश्चिम | West


Rashi Metal
चाँदीसीसासोना | Silver, Lead, Gold


Rashi Stone
पन्ना | Emerald


Rashi Favourable Stone
Emerald, Diamond and Blue Sapphire


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
मंगलवारबृहस्पतिवार तथा रविवार Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

Rashi Temperament
द्विस्वभाव | Dual nature


Gemini Horoscope

Today is a favorable day to start new plans. The business people will get the support of government and the job professionals  get the assistance of higher officials. There will be cordial relations with brothers and neighbors. Will  have  good physical and mental health. It will be possible to plan for a long stay or outing . Will win over the competitors. Ganesha explains that you will be busy with rapid events during the day.


1. Rashi Lord
चन्द्रमा | Moon

1.  Rashi Element
जल | Water


   Rashi Letters
 | Da, Ha

   Rashi Nature
कफ | Kapha


     Nakshatra Charana Letters
Hee, Hu, He, Ho, Daa, Dee, Doo, De, Do


    Adorable God
शिव जी
Shiv Ji


5. Favourable Color
दूधिया | Milky


    Favourable Number


   Favourable Direction
पूर्वदक्षिण | East, South


    Rashi Metal
चाँदीतांबा | Silver, Copper


9. Rashi Stone
मोती | Pearl


.   Rashi Favourable Stone
मोतीपुखराज तथा मूंगा
Pearl, Yellow Sapphire and Red Coral


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
सोमवारमगंलवार तथा बृहस्पतिवार
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

     Rashi Temperament
चर | Movable


Cancer Horoscope

Ganesha says that you will experience physical and mental distress today. As a result, negative thoughts will arise in mind. There will be dispute because of misunderstanding with someone. The family atmosphere will disturbed. Students will not be able to concentrate on studies. money expenditure will increase. Ganesha advises you to take care of the immoral tendencies.



Rashi Lord
सूर्य | Sun


Rashi Temperament
स्थिर | Stable


Rashi Letters
 | Ma, Ta

Rashi Element

अग्नि | Fire


Nakshatra Charana Letters
मामीमूमेमोटाटीटूटे Maa, Mee, Moo, Me, Mo, Taa, Tee, Too,   Te

Adorable God
श्री विष्णु नारायण
Shri Vishnu Narayan


Favourable Color
सुनहरा | Golden


Favourable Number


Favourable Direction
पूर्व | East


Rashi Metal
तांबासोना | Copper, Gold


Rashi Stone
माणिक्य | Ruby


Rashi Favourable Stone
Ruby, Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
रविवारमगंलवार तथा बृहस्पतिवार
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday


Rashi Nature
पित्त | Bile


Leo Horoscope

Because of the immense confidence and strong decision-making power, you will complete any work today by taking a quick decision. Your dignity in the society would grow. You will get the  support of the father and guardians. The mind will rejoice., Ganesha advises you to take care of the severity and egos in nature, not your rebellious. There will be good communication in marital life. There will be a slight health complaint.


Rashi Lord
बुध | Mercury


Rashi Element
पृथ्वी | Earth


Rashi Letters
 | Pa, Tha, Na


Rashi Nature
वायु | Air


Nakshatra Charana Letters
To, Paa, Pee, Poo, Sha, Na, Tha, Pe, Po


Adorable God
श्री गणेश जी
Shri Ganesha Ji


Favourable Color
हरा | Green


Favourable Number
3, 8


Favourable Direction
दक्षिण | South


Rashi Metal
चाँदीसोना | Silver, Gold


Rashi Stone
पन्ना | Emerald


Rashi Favourable Stone
पन्नाहीरा तथा नीलम
Emerald, Diamond and Blue Sapphire


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
बुधवारशुक्रवार तथा शनिवार
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday


Rashi Temperament
द्विस्वभाव | Dual nature


Virgo Horoscope

Physical disorders as well as mental concerns will increase. You may have eye  complaint . There will be dispute with family members. Keep in mind that there is no quarrel with anyone because of harsh speech and egos.  money will be spent behind Necessary items. Ganesha advises the job professionals to coordinate  with their subordinates. It is beneficial to postpone the functioning of any legal activity.


Rashi Lord
शुक्र | Venus


Rashi Element
वायु | Air


Rashi Letters
 | Ra, Ta


Rashi Nature
सम | Even


Nakshatra Charana Letters
Raa, Ree, Roo, Re, Ro, Taa, Tee, Too, Te


Adorable God
श्री दुर्गा माता
Shri Durga Mata


Favourable Color
सफेद | White


Favourable Number
2, 7


Favourable Direction
पश्चिम | West


Rashi Metal
लोहाचाँदी | Iron, Silver


Rashi Stone
हीरा | Diamond


Rashi Favourable Stone
हीरापन्ना तथा नीलम
Diamond, Emerald and Blue Sapphire


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
शुक्रवारशनिवार तथा बुधवार
Friday, Saturday and Wednesday


Rashi Temperament
चर | Movable


Libra Horoscope

you will be benefited  in various fields today, you will be physically and mentally healthy and cheerful. Meeting with friends, planning  tours at delightful places will become part of your daily work today. Will experience happiness and peace in the home. The woman will meet friends. Income will increase. Good marital happiness will be achieved. Ganesha says that the marital coincidence of the unmarried may be increase


Rashi Lord
मंगल | Mars


Rashi Element
जल | Water


Rashi Letters
 | Na, Ya


Rashi Nature
कफ | Kapha


Nakshatra Charana Letters
To, Naa, Nee, Noo, Ne, No, Yaa, Yee, Yu


Adorable God
श्री हनुमान जी
Shri Hanuman Ji


Favourable Color
लाल | Red


Favourable Number
1, 8


Favourable Direction
पूर्वउत्तर | East, North


Rashi Metal
तांबास्टीलसोना | Copper, Steel, Gold


Rashi Stone
मूंगा | Red Coral


Rashi Favourable Stone
मूंगामाणिक्य तथा पुखराज Red Coral, Ruby and Yellow Sapphire

Rashi Favourable Weekdays
मगंलवारबृहस्पतिवार तथा रविवार
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday


Rashi Temperament
स्थिर | Stable


Scorpio Horoscope

With Ganesha's blessings, all your actions will be completed smoothly. There will be joy in household life. Value & Prestige will increase in society. There will be progress in job business. Will benefit from high officials and elderly people. will benefit  from Money. The dues money will be paid. The progress of children will make the mind happy. Physical health will continue.  you will benefit from the loved one’s


Rashi Lord
बृहस्पति | Jupiter


Rashi Element
अग्नि | Fire


Rashi Letters
 | Bha, Dha, Pha, Dha


Rashi Nature
पित्त | Bile


Nakshatra Charana Letters
Ye, Yo, Bhaa, Bhee, Bhoo, Dhaa, Phaa, Dha, Bhe


Adorable God
श्री विष्णु नारायण
Shri Vishnu Narayan


Favourable Color
पीला | Yellow


Favourable Number
9, 12


Favourable Direction
पूर्व | East


Rashi Metal
कांस्य | Bronze


Rashi Stone
पुखराज | Yellow Sapphire


Rashi Favourable Stone
पुखराज तथा माणिक्य
Yellow Sapphire and Ruby


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
बृहस्पतिवार तथा रविवार
Thursday and Sunday


Rashi Temperament
द्विस्वभाव | Dual nature


Sagittarius Horoscope

There will be fatigue, and discomfort in the body. Health will be moderate. The mind will be disturbed by anxiety. Ganesha advises you to post-pone migration or journey . There will be concern about children. Luck will seem to be not with you. you should be careful at The place of job or  business, you may have a dispute or situation of disagreement  with high officials. Avoid any  debate with the competitors. Don't do adventurous activities.


Rashi Lord
शनि | Saturn


Rashi Element
पृथ्वी | Earth


Rashi Letters
 | Kha, Ja


Rashi Nature
वायु | Air


Nakshatra Charana Letters
Bho, Jaa, Jee, Khee, Khoo, Gaa, Gee


Adorable God
शिव जी
Shiv Ji


Favourable Color
आसमानी | Cyan


Favourable Number
10, 11


Favourable Direction
दक्षिण | South


Rashi Metal
चाँदीलोहा | Silver, Iron


Rashi Stone
नीलम | Blue Sapphire


Rashi Favourable Stone
नीलमपन्ना तथा हीरा
Blue Sapphire, Emerald and Diamond


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
शनिवारबुधवार तथा शुक्रवार
Saturday, Wednesday and Friday


Rashi Temperament
चर | Movable


Capricorn Horoscope

If you do not take care of food, the health is likely to worsen today, says Ganesha. Money will be spent behind the patient's medical treatment , migration or business activities. Keeping away negative thoughts and anger, it  will avoid many troubles. There will be differences with the partners. There will be an adverse atmosphere in the field of job business. Be careful when establishing new relationships.


Rashi Lord
शनि | Saturn


Rashi Element
वायु | Air


Rashi Letters
 | Ga, Sa, Sha, Sh


Nakshatra Charana Letters
Gu, Ge, Go, Saa, See, Soo, Se, Daa


Adorable God
शिव जी (रूद्र स्वरूप)
Shiv Ji (Rudra Swaroop)


Favourable Color
आसमानी | Cyan


Favourable Number
10, 11


Favourable Direction
पश्चिम | West


Rashi Metal
चाँदीसोना | Silver, Gold


Rashi Stone
नीलम | Blue Sapphire


Rashi Nature
सम | Even


Rashi Favourable Stone
नीलमहीरा तथा पन्ना
Blue Sapphire, Diamond and Emerald


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
बुधवारशुक्रवार तथा शनिवार
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday


Rashi Temperament
स्थिर | Stable


Aquarius Horoscope

With a lot of confidence and strong morale, happiness and romance will make your day colorful. There will be introduction and friendship with the opposite sex. Enjoyable migration tours and elegant food, new clothes will increase your enjoyment. Public dignity will increase. Couples will receive good marital happiness. Ganesha sees the benefits in partnership.


Rashi Lord
बृहस्पति | Jupiter


Rashi Element
जल | Water


Rashi Letters
 | Da, Cha, Jha, Tha


Nakshatra Charana Letters
Dee, Doo, Tha, Jha, Yna, De, Do, Cha, Chee


Adorable God
श्री विष्णु नारायण
Shri Vishnu Narayan


Favourable Color
पीला | Yellow


Rashi Nature
कफ | Kapha


Favourable Number
9, 12


Favourable Direction
उत्तर | North


Rashi Metal
कांस्य | Bronze


Rashi Stone
पुखराज | Yellow Sapphire


Rashi Favourable Stone
पुखराजमोती तथा मूंगा
Yellow Sapphire, Pearl and Red Coral


Rashi Favourable Weekdays
बृहस्पतिवारसोमवार तथा मंगलवार
Thursday, Monday and Tuesday


Rashi Temperament
द्विस्वभाव | Dual nature


Pisces Horoscope

By maintaining an atmosphere of happiness and peace and joy at home, you will be able to do your daily work confidently, says Ganesha. However, you have to control on natural virality and aggression of speech. The job will have the support of colleagues and subordinate persons. Health will be good.