Mars Transition to Capricorn

Mars Transition to Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn 2020
Mars in Capricorn 2020
On 22nd March 2020 the Mars transits from Zodiac Sagittarius to Zodiac Capricorn. The Capricorn consist of three Nakshatras  viz. Uttara Ashadha (26° 40’ Sagittarius to 10°00’), Shravana (10°00’ to 23°20’ Capricorn) and Dhanishta (23° 20’ Capricorn to 6°40’ Aquarius).

Transition:- 22.04.2020 to 6.04.2020) Ist :-Uttara Ashadha (26° 40’ Sagittarius to 10°00’)
Transition:- 06.04.2020 to 24.04.2020) IInd :-Shravana (10°00’ to 23°20’ Capricorn)
Transition:- 22.04.2020 to 15.05.2020) IIIrd;- Dhanishta (23° 20’ Capricorn to 6°40’ Aquarius)

To understand the effects of these transition effects we need to understand the Meaning of Zodiac and planets in context to the Nakshatras

Understanding Zodiacs and effects with Mars

The Zodiac Capricorn and Aquarius are both rules by Saturn but have their own characteristics and relationship with mars and other planets

Capricorn:- The nature of Capricorn is shrouded in mysterious references and allusions which cannot be  easily described by the exoteric laws of nature. The Capricorn refers to the involvement of individual in the process of universalization of Human Energy. During the interaction of such forces there may be hardship and suffering. Under the impulse the consciousness begin to link up with thought currents and vibrations from higher realms of existence and the governing power of universe. On the material level there may be difficulties and dissatisfaction but inwardly the result of Capricorn is satisfying.

When Capricorn begins to operate, past karmas are activated, consequently many unusual events begins to take place. The past accumulated forces are worked out so that the burden is lessened and sensitivity is heightened for absorbing fresh inspiration.  The inner light concealed under the deceptive mask is released. Disillusionment, destruction of traditional values and a new alignment of forces all occur under this influence.

The basic forces flowing through the sign can also be understood by its relationship with Saturn, which owns it, Jupiter, which is debilitated here and Mars, which is exalted. The deep acting effect of the sign often brings excruciating pains and tormenting psychological experiences. Any kind of religious advice exoteric philosophy or rituality practices will seem offensive to it.  The sign is well disposed towards hard work, trying to harmonize the self with universal thought currents and the individual’s spiritual destiny. One has to be careful while deciphering the impact of the sign because it is extremely active, highly potent and deep acting. It mostly refers and represents, Marsh lands, watery places, secretive.

Aquarius:-Aquarius is both the water bearer and the water flowing from the pitcher. Water stands for the cosmic life force, the Universal solvent which quenches the thirst of all and transmutes base metal into gold. This generally involves the sacrifice of personal comfort, pleasure and convenience thus causing considerable suffering. Whenever Aquarius appears there is reaction and opposition. Difficulties arise. Materials propensities became more intense in opposition to the impulse and the consequent frustration is greatly heightened. Exoterically, therefore this sign is considered to be inauspicious and unfortunate, bestowing frustrating results.

Aquarius is Masculine, Airy and Fixed. It is owned by Saturn but the sign doesn’t provide suitable conditions either for debilitation or exaltation of any planet. The effect of this planet is purposive, effective and deep acting. It does not simply provide conditions under which other can act, but has its own direction. Under this sign the turmoil in one’s life is immensely increased as the individual begins to work in accordance with divine plan and annihilate his personal ego. In this task, Saturn is ruthless in achieving its goal. It completely destroys traditional moorings. The influence of Aquarius is primarily on the psychological plane. The effect is also consolidated so that it becomes permanent. It mostly refers and represents charity, philosophy, Mountain spring, and places with water. The sun and mars   vibrate well with each other. The association of Moon with Mars is good, because the former is energised by the latter is tempered by lunar wisdom. With Venus Mars produce passion and irresistible lust. Mars and Mercury strengthen each other, Mars imparting active energy and while Mercury makes Mars a good strategist.

Understanding Nature of Mars and Saturn

Mars (Mangal / Kuja):-Generation of Electrical fluid, Mars is the blood circulating in the human being, but it is much more than that. The warmth and latent fire in every living entity is represented by Mars. As the commander in chief of the planetary hierarchy. It is engaged in manifesting the life spark radiated by the Sun in the form of creation. The Sun puts the spark in the inner core of the entity while Mars brings it to the surface. The most stifling restrictions are imposed on Mars through association with Saturn. This planet inhibits Martian energy and inculcates depraved feelings which are radically opposed to the Martian Nature. The influence of Jupiter is very strengthening. Jupiter enables all the harmonious Martian qualities to blossom. The Jovian influence regulates the impetuosity of Mars, gives it a spiritual direction and makes its efforts successful.

Saturn ( Shani):-Boundary of the Electromagnetic field of Divine Energy for the present stage of Human Growth and development. Many more psychic faculties and powers will be bestowed on Human beings when they have mastered the powers assigned to them under the present dispensation.
The primary function of Saturn is to direct the evolving soul back to its source. It has immense patience. Its action is decisive. By casting a deep shadow on the radiation of the life-force, Saturn produces a psychological change under which the individual begins to recognize the inevitable influence of the supreme power and thus begins his homeward journey.

The impact of Saturn on luminaries is decisively bad, creating much unhappiness in the life of the person. Any association of Saturn and Moon will produce some kind of mental turmoil, depressive feeling. Saturn with Mars which is bubbling with energy is not well disposed. These two planets vibrate on opposite wavelengths .Mars desires action, Saturn produces sloth; Mars gives Zest for life, Saturn makes the individual depressive. Mars explodes and exteriorizes, while Saturn is the cold wave which shrinks the growing life-plant and makes a person introverted.

Transition:- 22.04.2020 to 6.04.2020)

Ist :-Uttara Ashadha (26° 40’ Sagittarius to 10°00’):-  21st Nakshatra, Ruled by Sun, Symbol is Elephant Tusk and Planks of bed, Deity;- Ten Vishvedevas, Direction :- South, Professions:-Researchers, Scientist, Military Work,Fighters,Govt. officials, social work.

The impact of this transition in this time period would be different in various Nakshatras which are Ruled by 9 Planets in Astrology are summarised below:-

1. Sun ( Kritika , Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha):-  These people may face Health issues in this period , so be careful.

2.  Moon (Rohini , Hastha, Shravana):-This time period is favourable for you.

3. Mars ( Mrigashira , Chitra, Dhanishta ):-It will bring something good  for you.

4. Mercury ( Ashlesha , Jyeshta , Revati);-Will have something god for you overall.

5. Jupiter (Punarvasu, Vishaka, PoorvaBhadpadra):-It be as normal for you, might have something good.

6.Venus ( Bharani, PurvaPhalguni, Purva shadha );-Overall a very beneficial time period from all side bring good fortune.

7.Saturn ( Pushyami, Anuradha, Uttarabhadprada):-You may have issue due to your  communication, be careful and calm.

8. Rahu (Ardra, Swati, Shadbhisha):-It’s dangerous for you be careful, take care of your health.

9. Ketu ( Aswini, Magha, Moola):-You need to be careful about your health and body.

Transition:- 06.04.2020 to 24.04.2020)

IInd :-Shravana (10°00’ to 23°20’ Capricorn):-22nd Nakshatra, Ruled by Moon, Symbol is An Ear, Three Footprints , Diety:-Vishnu, Direction:-North, Professionals:-Teachers, Politicians, Geologists, Business Skills, Astrologers.

The impact of this transition in this time period would be different in various Nakshatras which are Ruled by 9 Planets in Astrology are summarised below:-

1. Sun ( Kritika , Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha :-It’s a good time for you have monetary  gain, god’s grace on you.

2.  Moon (Rohini , Hastha, Shravana):-You need to take care of your health and body. You may have body swelling, cold cough.

3. Mars ( Mrigashira , Chitra, Dhanishta ):-It will bring overall good for you .

4. Mercury ( Ashlesha , Jyeshta , Revati);-you need to be careful and attentive , you may face some obstruction in your life, slow progress and may have some issues due to communication. Don’t suggest, No arguments.

5. Jupiter (Punarvasu, Vishaka, PoorvaBhadpadra):-probably some health issues can occur .

6.Venus ( Bharani, PurvaPhalguni, Purva shadha );-You have to be extra careful for your self , while driving vehicles and even for your temperament. Unnecessary don’t indulge in any matter.

7.Saturn ( Pushyami, Anuradha, Uttarabhadprada):-You will have gain probably a place near water .People dealing with fire related items, crude oil , gold will sure get benefited.

8. Rahu (Ardra, Swati, Shadbhisha):-It’s a overall good period for you.

9. Ketu ( Aswini, Magha, Moola):- It’s a overall good period for you.

Transition:- 22.04.2020 to 15.05.2020)

IIIrd;- Dhanishta (23° 20’ Capricorn to 6°40’ Aquarius):-23rd Nakshatra, Ruled by Mars, Symbol is A Musical Drum, Diety:-Eight Vasus, Direction:-East, Professionals:-Doctors, Surgeons, Real Estate, Engineering, Mining, Charitable organization, scientist.

The impact of this transition in this time period would be different in various Nakshatras which are Ruled by 9 Planets in Astrology are summarised below:-

1. Sun ( Kritika , Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha :-You have to be careful and you should obey law.  Don’t involve yourself in legal activities.

2.  Moon (Rohini , Hastha, Shravana):-This  time period will prove beneficial for you.

3. Mars ( Mrigashira , Chitra, Dhanishta ):-You may have health issues related to spine, back bone.

4. Mercury ( Ashlesha , Jyeshta , Revati);-you need to be careful because of your speech or language.

5. Jupiter (Punarvasu, Vishaka, PoorvaBhadpadra):-You may have some real estate or land issues so be careful while dealing.

6.Venus ( Bharani, PurvaPhalguni, Purva shadha );-You have gains from this period, you have benefits from govt policy.

7.Saturn ( Pushyami, Anuradha, Uttarabhadprada):-This period is not at all favourable for you, 
don’t move towards south direction. Take care of your health , B.P , Neuro patients take special care.

8. Rahu (Ardra, Swati, Shadbhisha):-It’s a overall easy going period for you.

9. Ketu ( Aswini, Magha, Moola):- You have to be careful regarding your anger and ego.

*Based on the consideration of transition effects only the above predictions are made.
* To know your Birth Nakshatra, You can contact Us .

By Shashwat Sharma